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If we build a sandcastle, we will see the art for a few hours.

If we build a Snowman, we could see that work for a season.

Michael Angelo carved statues into marble and even they will only last a few millennia.

But he who speaks and proclaims the simpleness of the Lord’s word will add rooms to the mansion in Heaven, and will have treasure that outlasts rock, wood, hay, stubble, moth, and rust.

Matthew 24:35, Mark 13: 31, Luke 21: 33. (refers to the 1st and 2nd heavens)

Proverbs 11:30... The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he that winneth souls is wise.

Rev 22:14… Blessed are they that do his commandments that they may have the right to the tree of life and may enter in through the gates into the city.

John 4:34-38... Jesus has a calling for each of us. In this life we are to earn wages but along the way we are to gather fruit for eternity as well. Service for Christ has many rewards in this present time, but in the coming days planters and harvesters will have the additional joy of seeing souls in heaven together because of our faithfulness to not only proclaiming the gospel message but also gathering fruit along the way from what others have sown. In heaven, both the Sower and the Harvester will rejoice together. Some are the preacher, some are the waterer, and some are the harvester, but they will all rejoice together. Jesus said as one sows, and another reaps. One fruit, but two rewards...

As we keep ourselves too busy to hear the Holy spirits prompting, we could miss a harvesting from someone else’s sowing. Or… we could be distracted and missing an opportunity to not only sow, but as simple as the Lord putting us in a place, at His perfect time, to love someone , that for us, is a seed thrown for a future harvest for another to gather. Holy spirits prompting, makes our awareness for harvesting from someone else’s sowing.


Public speaking and fear go together, but it is just our mind.

• What does it take to not have fear?

• What does it take to have the confidence of the right words to say, without fear?

There is a power that comes from the Holy Spirit that is in the heart of everyone. Feed and strengthen the heart, and the mind will speak and act in words and deed, (James 1:22)! For this is the will of God (Eph 5:17-18). I will save for another time here, but the Lord is referring to our daily Prayers and time in his Word that is Spiritual food for our hearts.

John 14:12-14... Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believes on me the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my father.. And whatsoever you shall ask in my name that will I do that the father may be glorified in the son.. If ye shall ask anything in my name, I will do it.

Be not deceived, signs and wonders are not the greater works as false teachers will say, but this greater work is to save a soul. That power comes to us by Jesus’s death, his ascension to heaven, where he was Glorified and his sending of our helper, the Holy Spirit, which was sent to earth to convict all men of unrighteousness and to In-dwell us, the believer... So we DO have the power to speak. Holy Spirit power!! No Fear!!

We are not simply to add Jesus’s name to the end of a prayer. It is to ask in the accordance with his will, it is if you ask for those things which will glorify God and for that which would be for our own spiritual good. To ask in Christ’s name, we must live in close fellowship with him to know his will.

Matt 5:16 - Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

John 12:27-28 – Now is my soul troubled; and what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour: but for this cause came I unto this hour…

28 Father, glorify thy name. Then came there a voice from heaven, saying, I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again.

The father is glorified in the son and the son desires that we please him. We live in the center of his will by heeding to the Holy Spirit convictions. Then ask anything in the Lord’s name and it will be answered.

Even the man side of Jesus, his flesh, was troubled at the hour of his time. The more we feel conviction, troubled, and become scared to talk to someone, that is when you know that is our time, that is our hour. And let the in-dwelled Spirit have control, knowing that it will please our Savior.

Interesting Thought...

When we know it's something that we are passionate about or when it's about life-or-death we'll never hesitate. If there's a fire in an apartment building you are 1st confident because it's a reality there is a fire and 2nd you will not hesitate to scream "fire" or “get out". That is an inner power that has overtaken fear and shows that the timing to announce is now! The compassion and empathy are from a power, a spirit inside of our hearts that we do not want to see someone die. But that's in the immediate timing. We know the power, the spirit, is inside of us, that the urgency of the upcoming fire of hell, though it's not immediate, it is a reality. We must have the looking for the great hope that the fire is coming soon. Maybe today and could be tomorrow. We all have loved ones, neighbors, coworkers that need to be told fire get out.

Pray each morning to your Lord and Savior that he may send someone to your path, that your hour may come to glorify your creating Father in heaven.

Misty Graham
Veronica Soy


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